According to good ol' NPR's interview with Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, legalizing marijuana is becoming more and more likely once the safety and comfort zone accepts the drug.
30-35%, a substantial minority, agree that marijuana should be treated like alcohol; while 70-75% believe marijuana should be decriminalized, which would remove the threat of jail. In New York, where Nadelmann is based, 45% of all arrests are for drugs, and 90% of these arrests are for simple possession of marijuana. Many in New York believe marijuana dealers and growers will somehow legalize like the prohibitionists and speakeasies of the 1920s.
Although there is much controversy and endless debate on the topic, don't let Ethan Nadelmann tell you otherwise. It will be decades before marijuana-goers will drive out (or smoke out) the squares. But then again, don't let me tell you otherwise.
The Drug Policy Alliance is non-profit organization whose main purpose is to end America's war on drugs, seemingly with a special focus on medical marijuana. We all know where they go for coffee. (Pictured above)
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