"There's a kid with a golden arm / he admits to the forest fire / he started up for the lack of something better going on"

Friday, March 16, 2007

A little bit of support for the kids back at home.

I know a couple of high school youngsters back at Glendale, my old home. Sean Guerin, the front man of their band Transit State, seems to be absolutely in love with music and is constantly creating and experimenting with different sounds, each and every song conveying different emotions. Simply put, Transit State is full of potential. Their songs are just dense and layered with absolutely wonderful sound. They do achieve that poignant mellow indie-pop sound quite well. Crazy talented kids.

Hopefully, you realize I'm not trying to shamelessly plug a friend's band for profit in this blog.

I'm plugging in true potential. Talent.

Check out their site: Transit State

1 comment:

Paige said...

go transit state! they are a great band. sean is crazy creative man. btw this is paige. :] hope is my middle name of course.