"There's a kid with a golden arm / he admits to the forest fire / he started up for the lack of something better going on"

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

West Indian Girl @ the Troubadour Feb.21.08

Last Thursday, during a rainy night hosted by KCRW, West Indian Girl preformed songs from their sophomore album 4th and Wall. Though their roots may be in Los Angeles, WIG goes back to the psychedelic San Francisco days of the 60s.
Presentation is what made WIG so interesting to watch live. The diverse mix of vocals and beats were paired well with a moving pictorial screen in the background. Each song, whether it was about the surf or a lover, had unique visual imagery to back it. The lyrics were not memorable, though the air each song emitted was wildly strong and distinct. I became mesmerized by the screen as if under a spell, for I forgot to look at the band most of the time. But to do without the dreamy visual effects would have put WIG back amongst the rest of the indistinct LA bands. The imagery exemplified my mind’s willingness to get lost in each song; I felt liberated in an open field- total freedom and happiness. It is no conundrum why critics have compared their musical effects to that of the acid trips of the sixties. The band even shares their name with a brand of acid. Francis Ten, one member of WIG, denies having named it after the fact. Their songs do make you want to release everything bogged down in your mind. Catchy, kitschy and more than a bit poppy, WIG surprisingly allows you to indulge in their sounds while still maintaining your good melodious taste. On their website, Francis Ten explains, “It’s about finding the best thing in life, be it a wave or a state of mind or a perfect escape.” Free mentality composes West Indian Girl.
Here are some lyrics from What Are You Afraid Of that exemplify the liberation emitted by their songs.

What are you afraid of?
All the years fade away
What are you made of?
From the ties that hold us down
What are you fighting for?
To feel them all
What are you dying for?
To be free

Who tonight will change your life
To jump on a plane and land a
Thousand miles away
Just to see what we came to be


Tom said...

I just checked out WIG's myspace and I'm diggin' them. They've got that full, wavy, heavy-on-reverb sound I'm a sucker for. Plus, they've got some good pop sensibility to boot.

Fine stuff.

Anonymous said...

That was a good show. The eerie vocals, lighting and screen images really enhanced the acid trip feeling...